Lost Season 1 Episode 17

This episodes contains the first references to Hurley's lotto winnings.

He bets money on backgammon with Walt and seems indifferent to the fact that he ends up owing Walt thousands of dollars.

Additionally, the first time Jin is in the Korean politician's house, the scene cuts to the politician's daughter watching TV on which Hurley is shown on the news, presumably as part of the coverage of his winnings.

When Hurley talkes to Jin on the golf-course you see a house in the left corner of the background.
Sawyer: [to Jin] It's Lord of the Flies time.

References Lost in Translation (2003)
End Title
Written by Michael Giacchino
Performed by The Hollywood Studio Symphony

S h i k o j e S h k a r k o j e
L i n k u 1  maa L i n k u  1  maa
L i n k u 2  maa L i n k u 2  maa
L i n k u 3  maa Li n k u 3  maa
